“Improving Mental Health: A Case Study Analysis and Interventions for Tracy”

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i have attached a assignment brief and the case study it will be based on. please start from where it says the written essay.
i need a 1500-1600 word count assignment
firstly ensure you meet the learning objectives at the top in the purple box.
secondly you must choose one smart goal and the one i have chosen is “getting Tracy from phq-9 scale of 16which is severely depressed to to 10 which is moderately in 6months” ( this is the smart goal I have chosen and it cannot be changed ).
you must then make 3 interventions based on my smart goal ( read assignment brief)
Ensure you use reliable sources from google e.g. gov website and the websites mentioned in the referencing list in the assignment brief.
Also when you start the assignment you start with tracys problem which is “Tracey is low in mood and anxious”.
Please ensure to follow assignment brief and include statistics and link everything together

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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