Title: The Reliability of Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) Measurement Methods and Their Impact on Venous Leg Ulcer Treatment: A Critical Appraisal of Evidence

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Literature review including critical appraisal of evidence base (The reliability of the ankle brachial pressure index (ABPI) – manual assessment versus automated ankle-brachial pressure index measuring device – Mesi ABPI MD/Huntleigh ABllity. for intervention in venous leg ulceration. Cost of dressings/practice time/inconvenience to patients attending for regular dressing changes/distress caused to patients/family/carer re dealing with a leg ulcer.
This review comes from a primary care perspective (GP surgery) from completing an intial ABPI or ongoing 6 monthly ABPI review if the patient is wearing surgical hosiery.
Learning outcome to meet: Show evidence of reasoned discussion and analysis through critical appraisal of appropriate evidence.
Demonstrate proficiency in written skills to explain a complex idea in concise but impactful terms.
Essentially by doing the following:
1. Finding evidence using Medline and CINAL – 6 pieces of relevant literature – I have attached 1 piece a systematic review another 5 to be sourced. (qualitative /systematic reviews/Meta-analysis dated within the last 7 years. PICO to be discussed.
2. Appraising the evidence.
3. Putting together a discussion on what was found from the evidence and appraisal.
Module content will typically include The NMC platforms.
APA 7th edition referencing should be used, With a minimum of 10 references.
Manual assessment includes the patient lying down flat for 30 minutes before the assessment can be started then another 20 minutes to perform the assessment and calculate the results. Automated means the patient lying down flat for 1 minute then another 30 seconds for the results to be calculated.

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