Title: Module 2 Discussion: Basic Research Designs Initial Response: One of the basic research designs mentioned in Chapter 8 is the descriptive design. This design involves observing and describing a phenomenon or behavior without manipulating any variables. An example of a

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Answer the following questions and reply to at least two colleagues:State one of the basic designs mentioned in Chapter 8 (descriptive, correlational, predictive correlational, experimental, or quasi-experimental) and describe a possible study that could be done using that design.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of that design? Be sure to cite the source of your information.
Post your initial response of Module 2 and post your replies of Module 2. Late posts do not get any credit. Posts must be substantive and reflect thought and effort in the discussion. If you see your peer got something wrong, point it out to them. It is better to let them know now, because in a future assignment they will have to identify this type of information for a grade. Always remember to cite and reference your resources appropriately using APA format. You should be using in-text citations in your initial response. Use in-text citations as needed in your replies.GUIDELINES
Use this space to provide specific guidelines for students to follow. Please see the sample below.Your initial response should be 100-200 words in length, reflecting on the prompt above.
Reply to at least two classmates’ posts. Your response to your classmate’s discussion should be around 50 words (each) and add to the discussion (i.e. reflecting on their response, asking questions, etc.).

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