Title: “Mapping the Care Journey of a Complex Patient: A Pictorial Representation and Critical Analysis of Multi-Disciplinary Team Working”

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Summative Assessment:
Pictorial or graphical representation of a complex patient/services user’s care journey and supporting essay (100%)
You will develop a pictorial or graphical representation (e.g., a poster, mind map or Gantt chart) depicting the care journey or involvement with health and care agencies, of a patient/service user you have cared for in practice with complex needs. This will demonstrate the relationships and main issues associated with these interactions.
– Demonstrating roles, responsibilities of all members of the multi-disciplinary Team (MDT)
– Awareness of different types of team working
The supporting 1500-word essay should identify the rationale for choosing the patient/service user journey, critique the key elements of your pictorial representation, apply relevant regulatory, policy and legal frameworks and critically explore the relationships between health care agencies and the patient/service user.
Both elements of the assessment must be submitted in the assessment drop box

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