Title: Formulating a PICO Question for an Integrative Review of the Literature on the Impact of a Specific Intervention on Nursing Practice and Care

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In Milestone One, you submitted a topic proposal. For Milestone Two, you will formulate a PICO question which will guide the variables in your research as you develop an integrative review of the literature. Your PICO question will assist
you in the process of finding and evaluating evidence related to your outcome as you continue to build upon your final project. By the end of this course,
your topic also has the potential to be explored further as part of your capstone project.
Prompt: For this milestone, you will turn your topic into a PICO question and answer each of the questions posed below:
 Identify the population of interest; what are their characteristics? Specifically, what group of individuals will be impacted by your identified intervention?
 What is the intervention of interest? Explain why the intervention is appropriate for solving the problem. (Intervention)
 What is the comparison intervention? Explain the alternative to the intervention. (Comparison)
 What consequences are we interested in? How will this outcome impact nursing practice or nursing care? (Outcome)
For examples of PICO, refer to your module resources.

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