Title: “Family Influences on Child Health in the Australian Context: A Case Study Analysis and Reflection”

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To identify a key child health issue and discuss this issue in the Australian context. You will demonstrate understanding of contemporary families in Australia. You will discuss the role of the family and reflect on how the family can influence the overall health outcomes of a child or young personYou will include one key learning about family assessments that will support your future practice.Case Study Template: A 1500-word reflective short answer response which will incorporate reflection and the use of relevant literature and academic sources.In this assessment you will:Identify the case study chosenIdentify the health issue evident in the case study selected. Discuss appraise this in the Australian context.
You will identify and apply one (1) health promotion principle applicable to the case study.
You will identify and apply one (1) primary health care principle applicable to the case study.
Recognise how the health issue identified may impact an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander family. You will identify inequalities and chose one (1) social justice principles that can be applied. (Chose one from the following: access, equity, participation, human rights).
Create a genogram for your chosen case study
Reflect on the two aims identified from the Family Partnership Model
Reflect on one key learning about family assessments that will inform your future practice as a registered nurse.

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