Title: Ethical Dilemma in Mental Health: Balancing Autonomy and Safety Role: Healthcare Provider Setting: Outpatient mental health clinic Participants: Patient, psychiatrist, and family member Ethical Dilemma: A patient

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Describe an ethical situation in a mental health encounter. This encounter might take place between a patient and health care provider, or between two health care providers in reference to a patient. This could be entirely fictitious or a case from your practice/experience where the details have been sufficiently altered to retain anonymity. Include the following in your description: your role (e.g.,
healthcare provider, patient, or family member) setting in which the encounter took place, who was present/involved, the ethical dilemma, and your perception of whether or not the encounter was resolved.

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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