Title: Curriculum Design for an Education Program in a Healthcare Center

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Please first read & review the part 2 paper I submitted previously, this will help you design the curriculum.A brief description of your focus setting (agency, institution, healthcare center, clinic, or other); the type of education program to be developed; and the target audience for that education program
A list 2–3 end-of-program outcomes
Explain how these end-of-program outcomes align with the mission, vision, philosophy, and overall goal of your setting. Use the Learning Resources and/or the best available evidence from current literature to support your explanation.
Explain how these end-of-program outcomes will address the educational needs of the target learners. Use the Learning Resources and/or the best available evidence from current literature to support your explanation.
Present an illustration of Curriculum Design (in the same Part 3 Assignment of your Course Project):
Create a graphic that depicts your program of study education plan. (Note: You may create your graphic in any file type you choose, e.g., Word, PowerPoint, .JPG.)
Explain the program sequence by describing 3–5 courses/learning experiences in the recommended order of presentation.
For each course/learning experience, identify 2–3 learning outcomes.
Select one course and identify 2–3 learning objectives that support the achievement of each of the learning outcomes.
Explain how each of the 3–5 courses/learning experiences scaffolds learning toward the end-of-program outcomes. Use the Learning Resources and/or the best available evidence from current literature to support your explanation.

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