Title: Critical Incident Analysis of a Safeguarding Incident: A Reflection on Nursing Practice and Patient Outcomes.

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Critical incident analysis of a safeguarding incident
I have attached assignment brief and scenario
20+ references/sources
3+ intext references/sources to be used per paragraph
Below are some notes that l wrote down in class during assignment brief
-What was the role of the nurse
-what is the background of the situation
-What things were done in regards to this incident
-Critically examine the incident
-what were the decisions by the doctors, nurses and everyone involved in the safeguarding incident
-What guided their decisions
-what is the literature that can challenge the decisions that were made
-what is the evidence that reflects the way the incident was managed or not well managed
-Patient’s/relatives/other people involved contribution about the incident. Support with literature
-what was the impact on the patient, nurses
what was the impact on you as a student nurse
-what is the influence of this incident to nurses or nursing in general
-what have you learnt as a student nurse
-what are some of the recommendations you could give
-key concepts… safeguarding
-advocacy for themselves
-protection of the patient
– Use a critical incident analysis framework supported by literature. Mention why you are using that framework. In this incident l would recommend the Four Principle Approach Framework. you can use any that is relevant.

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