Title: A Meta-Analysis of Public Health Issues Affecting the Nigerian Population: A Systematic Review and Overhaul

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Attached document is a systematic review that was poorly done. I want a complete overhaul and rewrite of this work.Please take note of some observation that I shall list out here, while putting into consideration the comments and feedback from those who marked the work (this feedback shall be attached as a separate document for your perusal). Also, the links to different articles used shall be attached as a different document.1: I want METANALYSIS to be adopted in this qualitative research.
2: Verify articles that have been used and authenticate them. Where need be, make changes were necessary. Articles from Nigeria is preferable, as this is ideal for this work.
3: Clearly identify (with justification) the PUBLIC HEALTH ISSUES associated with this research. for example: illnesses or condition.
4: Clearly identify the target group that is/are affected by these public health issues.Because this is a work that has been done before (not properly done), I do not want to give fresh instruction like I should have done for a new work. Should you have queries or need more clarification, kindly reach out to me. Meanwhile, going through the entire work, feedback from markers will give you idea of what adjustment needs to be made.

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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