“The Vital Role of the Surgical First Assistant: Enhancing Patient Safety through Effective Communication and Skillful Practice”

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The first part of main body WHAT PROVIDE A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF SFA ROLE can be discriptive and my chosen skill why ii have chosen ( For example i was struggling with understandxthat, wanted to applying theory to Practise also wanted to look in more depth etc) -200 words
Brief overview of the SFA role ( key referencje is PCC)
So what section is the main body of essay and I am trying to meet the learning outcomes
Around 2000 words
Break down the learning outcomes
– paragraph about learning outcome 1
Scope and limitations in practise
Accountability and responsibility
Insure that I am appriioprietly trained to undertake this role
Legal issues whole range talk about indemnity cover why is this important how this is protect both patient and me
local policy need to meet in my job descriptive
When my responsibility and a cut ability is
– learning outcome 2 a new paragraph
I am analysing my choosing skill
Holding the scope 30 degrees so I am looking for knowledge how to correct hold without damage any organ and tissues
So ex hold I under direct supervision of the surgeon
Open this paragraph might be what’s the purpose of holding the camera why am I doing that
Ex provide a clear view in operating side
Risk associated with holding scope
Risk to the patient (anatomy must be mention
Ex vascular damage
Risk to me : muscular injury if I am not standing correctly take for consideration lap surgery might be very long like 4 h tiredness loosing the concentration. Feeling pins and needle in the hand
-third paragraph about importance of communication
Who checklist team brief
Think about a context of my role
Discussion over ole of importance of communication the risk of communication is ineffective
How the role of SFA promote the communication
Within the team I enhancing communicating
Undertaking my preoperative assessment has help me to engage with think overall with WHO check
And then how the effective communication help to avoid errors
In summary for 3rd paragraph
– why effective communication is important
– risk assisted with poor communication
– how SFA role enhance the communication within the surgical team to reduce errors

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