“Successful Data Collection Tools: Understanding the Physiological and Psychological Concepts Behind Data Collection in Healthcare” Slide 1: Title Slide Title: Successful Data Collection Tools: Understanding the Physiological and Psychological Concepts Behind Data Collection in Healthcare Slide 2:

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Successful Data Collection Tools – Develop a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation. Be thorough and include rational and references for your recommendations.
Using the tool you evaluated in the previous week. Develop a PowerPoint presentation sharing how the data collected in the tool is driven by physiological and psychological concepts. Address what the end goal of the healthcare paradigm will be with the data collected.
Assignment Expectations-
Length: 15-17 slides; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner
Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a script with the verbiage you would say when presenting; script should be a minimum of 50 words per slide.
References: Use the appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. Include at least three (3) scholarly sources to support your claims.

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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