“Sickle Cell Anemia: A Comprehensive Look at Incidence, Pathophysiology, and Current Research” Slide 1: Title slide – Title of presentation – Student’s name – Course name and number – Instructor’s name

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1. Case Study Power Point Presentation
Based on your readings throughout the course, choose a disorder/disease from
your text and develop a power point presentation.Topic: Sickle Cell Anemia2. The presentation must include:
An introduction incidence, prevalence (include to a global perspective),
pathophysiology of the disease/disorder to the cellular level, existing prevention
and therapeutic measures, current or future research relevant to the
disorder/disease.3. The presentation must specifically address how this
disorder/disease impacts ONE of the following age groups: infant/child, adult, or
older adult.
4. This presentation should be no more than 20 slides (excluding title and reference
slide(s)). APA 7th ed. is required. A minimum of 6 current (within 5 yrs)
5. Please be original as this has to go through turnitin
6. Sources must be evidenced based and within the last 5 years.
7. Please include colors, pictures, graphs, etc to make the presentation appealing and colorful all while stating solid facts.
8. I have attached the grading rubric.

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