“Reflective Journal: Exploring Nursing Practice and Personal Growth through Real-Life Experiences”

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First, i want the same specialist 687423. He/she did my first reflective journal and was very good so, i want the same writer for my second journal. PLEASE DO NOT DO MY JOURNAL ABOUT ORTHOPEDICS DO IT ABOUT A DIFFERENT TOPIC LIKE A PATIENT WITH hypertension, HEART PROBLEMS, STROKE, OBSTRUCTIVE PULMONARY DISEASE, URINARY TRACT INFECTION (UTI) ANY TOPIC RELATED WITH DISEASE OR CONDITIONS THAT YOU CAN TREAT IN THE EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT. BUT DO NOT DO ORTHOPEDIC!!!!! ONLY USE THE EXAMPLE AS A GUIDE, THAT EXAMPLE IS ALREADY SUMMITED ON MY SCHOOL. FOLLOW THIS RUBIC TO CREATED THE JOURNAL As a novice nurse, it will be required to plan, implement, and evaluate performance; the reflective journal gives the scope to begin to develop these skills while completing a practicum. A reflective journal is a learning tool that can be used to look at experiences and help to do the following: a) Review and reflect upon development, and how have grown on both an individual and professional level b) Organize thoughts c) Demonstrate practical application of the underpinnings of knowledge, link theory with clinical practice and vice versa d) Demonstrate practical competence e) Decide what new learning is needed; provide evidence to show where, when and how practice outcomes/standards of proficiencies have been achieved Assignment Criteria Developing a reflective journal that addresses the following criteria: 1. Requirement: The student will express their comprehension of the nursing process in the reflective journal. Choose to write about any aspect(s) of practice which: • Feel the intervention made a difference in a client outcome • Feel went unusually well • Feel did not go as planned • Think captures the essence of nursing practice 2. Requirement: The student will identify the following elements in the reflective journal. The focus should be on the nursing practice • What was going on (the context of the situation)? o Shift, time of day, resources, the clinical scenario • What happened? o Detailed description of situation/incident/experience • Why is this incident important? What were the concerns at the time? o What thoughts and feeling during and after the experience? o What influenced the decision-making? o What, if anything, was the most demanding aspect of this experience? o What was unexpected? 3. Requirement: The student will analyze the positive and negative aspects of their learning. Choose to write about the following: • A reflection or evaluation of the situation showing the competencies and expertise used (skilled communication, teaching, leadership). Support these with current evidence-based practice literature. • What were actions taken? Include not just, what was done, but also more importantly the rationale for the actions. Support these with current evidence-based practice literature • What new knowledge or insights were gained? How would make recommendations for change in practice? • Provide references to show evidence-based practice (see guidelines below) • Was anything learned? If so, what? • Consider another way to manage nursing practice as it relates to this experience? Has the nursing practice changed in any way? 4. Requirement: The student will follow these guidelines • Utilizing the above guidelines for contextual writing; complete two (2) journal entries throughout NUR 4180 (See AAG for assignment due dates). • Journal entries should exceed no more than two (2) pages in length (not including reference page). • Journal entries should include a minimum of two (2) citations from a peer-reviewed, evidence-based journal. The inclusion of evidence-based practice is an integral part of learning, critical thinking and growth therefore must be relevant to the journal topic and shows relevant learning. • Journal to follow 7th edition APA guidelines and should include a title page, the body of the journal, reference page.

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