Reflective Accounts: A Journey of Growth and Development in Nursing Practice Reflective Account 1: Providing Care to a Patient in My First Year of Training Introduction As a first-year nursing student, I was excited to begin my clinical placement and

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2 Reflective accounts. (2000 words in total)
1000 words each using Giggs reflective cycle .
1st reflective account should demonstrate an incident when you provided care to a patient in your first year of training and the 2nd reflection should demonstrate an incident where you provided care to patients and the progress you have made in your 3rd year of training. To include references APA.• As the reflective accounts will refer to an actual event, all names and locations must be changed in order to maintain confidentiality in accordance with NMC Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives (2018) and the NMC Guidance on Professional Conduct for Nursing & Midwifery Students (2009) and a statement to this effect MUST be included in your reflective account

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