“Implementing Mandatory Drug Testing in A&E: A Solution to Long-Term Mental Health Issues and Stigma Surrounding Alcohol Consumption”

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For this assignment we have had to come up with an innovation in which we would like to implement to improve a NHS service. My innovation is to introduce a blood test in to the a and e departments that tests for GHB or any other drug used which is used to spike people, I was these drug tests to be mandatory only for people claiming to have been spiked or presented to hospital with any symptoms that suggest they have been spiked. These blood tests are not carried out under the NHS they are only carried out privately usually under police care. I want to make this implement to take some strain of the NHS in the instances of long term mental health issues that arise because of people being spiked. I also want to implement this to stop the stigma around people being too drunk and not being able to handle there alcohol. Within this I need to be looking at the short term and long term costs on the NHS, time scale on implementation, I also need to address the pros and cons of me implementing this change.
I need to be discussing theories and implementation of this new development and how it will improve patient care.

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