“Exploring the Evidence Base for Practice in Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Critical Appraisal of 6 Key Pieces of Literature”

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I need to identify 6 pieces of evidence relevant to the area (CIPN- chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy) and critically discuss how this information contributes to the evidence base for practice. This essay Is a critical appraisal of 6 pieces of information which relate to CIPN. I need to also say how this information could be used to inform the development of practice in my student area. So about this six pieces of evidence I will have to talk about the pro and cons (so I need to demonstrate my critical thinking through consideration of strengths and limitations of the types of evidence as well as critique the methods used to generate knowledge) and if it is a qualitative or quantitative study/peer reviewed and say why it Is good if the articles Is peer reviewed so use another reference… all of this MUST be followed by other references. (for in text reference you need to mention the exact pages where i can find the thing that you are referencing). Structure of the assignment: introduction which explain my choice of area for discussion (CIPN- I chose this topic because in a couple of years most of the population will have cancer so we-future podiatrist- will need to be able to treat chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy and the effects on feet or walking etc… so even for this I need a reference ). Include concluding paragraph which draws together my key findings and makes a conclusion about how the findings could influence decision making in practice. Consider using tables where appropriate to summarise and present more information (tables does not count in the words count). In the main part of the discussion include sufficient information to allow other to reproduce my search e.g search terms, databases, inclusion criteria (so a search strategy). Ensure that you discuss the different types of evidence that you are presenting and critique their strengths and limitations. Extract and synthesis relevant information from my selected evidence to discuss how the findings could inform practice in my chosen area. In addition to my 6 pieces of evidence I am expected to use additional literature to support my critical appraisal (that’s why my reference list has to be 18… so 6 pieces of evidence and 12 other references. I have attached two documents.. in one you can find specific guidelines for my essay and the other document has some interesting articles (some of them you can also use for the 6 pieces of evidence) and tips. To check if an article is peer reviewed use this website:The knowledge network Scotland, nhs

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