“Coordinating Complex Care for an Elderly Patient: A Case Study of Bob”

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Please use the learning outcome/assignment guideline and marking criteria as a guide to writing this coursework. the references should be from credible source and should not be more than 10yrs.The assignment is a masters level assignment therefore, it must be critical and analytical. the coursework should not be descriptive. An exemplar essay showing the legislature and complexity part of Bob’s scenario has been attached to show you the standard required. Please use the documents I attached as they contain almost all the resources you will be needing for this coursework and explore the references on the documents as well as they will lead you to more useful materialsPlease note: This assignment is not about the clinical care of Bob but how Bob’s care will be coordinated outside now that he is discharged.Assignment scenario
Bob is an 82 years old gentleman who lives in a bungalow with his wife Beryl. Bob was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease five years ago by the local memory service. Bob is prescribed medication for his Alzheimer’s disease. He is also prescribed medication for hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and takes analgesia for Arthritis.
Bob has just been discharged from an orthopaedic ward at his local hospital, following a fall at home. Bob sustained a fractured neck of femur that required surgery and physiotherapy treatment. As the hospital has been extremely busy Bob has been discharged with no follow up in place or care provision at home. It has been noted that Bob has become more confused whilst in hospital, and although mobilising he often forgets to use his walking frame. Beryl is really pleased to have Bob home but is very worried about the lack of formal care package and has no family support locally.Module aim
To define and understand complex health
across the life span
Analyse current policy and legislation which
impacts on care delivery
Explore the principles of collaborative multi
professional working
Understand how complex care is co-ordinated.Please note: this coursework is not about the clinical treatment of Bob. it is about how Bob’s care will be coordinated. Please do not focus on Bob’s illness.
Assignment Outline
Outline the scope of your assignment providing a small amount of context for the reader
Why might their health needs require long term intervention/input?How would you prioritise Bob’s health needs?
How can a wider perspective of his needs be addressed?Main body: Rationale
This section should include the following detail which should all relate back to your chosen scenario
A brief rationale for your choice of patient including a definition of why their care is considered to be complex
How might you define complex?
How would that apply to Bob – what aspects of his individual care constitute complexity?
How might you prioritise what is going to be discussed whilst recognising there is a wider context to be co-ordinated?Main body: Overview of policy
An overview of the policy that impacts on the delivery of their care needs
What policies might be specific to Bob’s needs? e.g NHS long term plan, NHS England five years forward view (2014) and NHS England five years forward view for mental health (2016).Main body: Legislature e.g care act (2014), health and social care act (2012) etc.
Acknowledgement of the legislation which helps to co-ordinate their care using a systematic approach.
What legislation may apply to Bob in this scenario?
Analysis and discussion of the principles of joined up working applied to this scenario. This may include partnership, collaboration and interagency workingMain body: Analysis and discussion
Who else might be involved in Bob’s care?
How can that be coordinated to deliver the most effective care for Bob?
What are the pros and cons of ‘joined up’ working?
How might that apply to Bob?conclusion:

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