“Caring for a Patient with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Holistic Approach to Integrated Care” Introduction In this essay, I will analyze the care provided by a nurse to a patient with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). RA is a

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For this essay the focus needs to be on analysing how a nurse cares for a patient with rheumatoid arthritis. This can be a fictional scenario but the essay needs to be written in a realistic way as if the situation is actually real.
Discuss the statistics from a local, national and international perspective on the long term condition that
the patient has presented with, what is the financial impact or burden on the health service. Use up to
date information from the last 5 years.
Introduce the patient cared for by the author in practice using a pseudonym first name only (brief
explanation of confidentiality statement, only one or two sentences needed).
Age, social history, their long term condition and how long they had had it, do they have health behaviours
which may have contributed to the condition. If the patient has more than one condition, you can focus on
one, as long as all the care discussed links to the condition being focused on.
Why was the patient being cared for at the time of contact by the author (were they being cared for at
home or had they been admitted to hospital, what symptoms were they complaining of)?
Discuss the pathophysiology of the long term condition (with evidence)and how this causes the symptoms
that the patient was presenting with (with evidence).
Using the nursing process approach ANPIE; (Assessment, Nursing problem, Planning, Implementation and
evaluation) analyse how symptoms were assessed (tools, diagnostics) (with evidence) and what
interventions were used to treat these (with evidence possibly link to NICE guidelines). Did the
interventions work (did the symptoms improve? How do you know, was the care evaluated? If so how? Is it
evidence based? Were the up to date NICE guidelines being followed for this condition?
Are there health behaviours which could be addressed, with advice to help improve/address these, is there
evidence that this can make a difference? Discuss the role of the nurse in promoting health and apply to
this patient (making every contact count, behaviour change theory).
Are there any legal and ethical issues related to the patient, consent, patient rights to choose, or decline
care, advance decisions, treatment escalation plans, and choice of going home etc if applicable.
Explain the physical, social and psychological challenges relevant to the patient and carer experience from
living with the named long term condition (mobility, stress, financial, depression, isolation etc) and the
relevant research to evidence that this affects those with this condition from research (this will involve
looking for studies that relate to the condition and the experiences of patients). How has an integrated
approach to care improved the outcomes for the patient being discussed, is there evidence that integrated
care is beneficial, this may include team working, referral to specialist nurses.
Summarise the findings in your essay and make recommendations for practice, do not introduce new ideas
(no more than 300 words).
The SID NUMBER ONLY and Page number should be as headers and footers and therefore set up on every page.
Contents page MUST be included.
This essay can be written in the First Person or Passive- for the reflective element ONLY.
An appropriate font should be used i.e. Times New Roman or Ariel or Comic Sans.
The font size should be no less than size 11.
The essay utilises 1.5 or 2 line spacing.
Justify the text
The reference list should appear before any appendices.

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