Assignment 1: Building Therapeutic Relationships and Person-Centred Care in District Nursing Practice Introduction: This assignment will reflect on my experience working with a service user in my role as a district nurse. The service user, whom I will refer

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Assignment 1: You will submit a written assignment of 3000 words drawing on your learning from the module and experience in practice.The written account should be based on a service user you have worked with in practice. Your introduction should provide a brief outline of the background information and explain why you have chosen this scenario.You need to draw upon the evidence, theory and policy, to demonstrate how you built therapeutic relationships with the person and their carers, exploring how the principles of person centred care contributed to the assessment of their health needs and plan of care.You will need to identify the impact of critical periods on the health and wellbeing of the client and explore the influence of the wider determinants of health.You should clearly identify the priorities for care and demonstrate how critical consideration of the evidence informed your plan.There should be evidence of how your practice meets the professional standards for District Nurse, with reference to relevant legal, policy and professional frameworks.Your assignment should be fully referenced to current policy and contemporary literature and should follow the academic writing guidelines. Referencing should be APA style.Assignment 2: A critical evaluation of the research method(s) that may be used to address a research question that is of relevance to your area of practice.
Provide an introduction to a contemporary issue relevant to your own area of practice that requires investigation, illustrating why it is relevant/important.
• Develop a research question related to this contemporary issue, explaining its relevance to practice and justify your question with respect to previous research and/or relevant policy – i.e. the rationale for the proposed research question needs to be clear.
• Briefly evaluate potential research paradigms relevant to the research question and justify the most appropriate.
• Critically appraise the research methods that may be used in order to answer the research question. This will include evaluation of relevant related research (i.e. illustrate your discussion with appraisal of research that has used the proposed method(s) in similar/other contexts). Indicate your preferred research method(s) and justify your reasons.
• Critically discuss the professional, ethical and practical factors that may impact on the application of the chosen method(s).
In an appendix you will include an action plan that details any further personal, professional and academic development needs related to your proposed investigation.

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