“Addressing the Impact of Obesity on Community and Population Health: A Nurse’s Role and Action Plan”

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This assessment task requires you to create an informative poster based on 1 of the 3 health issues listed in the attached document. the assignment is sectioned into 3 portions all must be included in the poster.
Part A
impact of chosen health issue at the level of the community AND the level of population
outline ONE key point where CHANGES can be made for both the POPULATION and the COMMUNITY. the changes need to highlight the ROLE OF THE NURSE
Part C
develop an ACTION PLAN using evidenced-based practice to address your chosen health issue targeting one key area of change you outlined in Part B. use the health promotion planning cycle, stage 2, to identify illness prevention strategies.
use peer-reviewed resources no older than 5 years. this is an Australian nursing assignment so please when writing focus more on Australian healthcare, especially regarding community and population. resources no older than 5 years old.
I’ve attached the assignment details which also include the rubric please refer to this when determining how to write the paper. ive also attached a pdf titled promotion of health. highly recommend reading this stage 1 and 2 as it will help immensely in writing the assignment and explaining what stage 2 of HPPC is which is needed for part C.

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