“Unraveling the Complexity: A Scholarly Case Presentation and Billing Analysis”

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“Unraveling the Complexity: A Scholarly Case Presentation and Billing Analysis”

Week 9 Scholarly Case Presentation
The purpose of this assignment is to have students conduct a thorough presentation of a moderate to high-complexity patient case. Using standard clinical documentation standards, students will walk through a patient visit, providing all essential components of clinical documentation, and use critical thinking and best-practice guidance to formulate an evidence-based assessment and plan of care for the clinical situation. Based on the components of complexity, the student will then accurately assess the appropriate E/M billing and coding level for this visit. Requirements
The student will create a narrated patient case Powerpoint presentation with all components listed within the assignment rubric. The presentation must include all required elements including the chief complaint, source of information, history of present illness, current medication list, allergies, medical/surgical/family/social histories, review of systems (including any pertinent negatives), complete set of vital signs (temperature — including means of measurement, pulse, blood pressure, respirations, pulse oximetry reading), height/weight/BMI calculation, physical examination. The differential diagnosis should be presented, along with labs, tests, or other diagnostics. Provide final diagnoses (paired with correct ICD10 code) with your rationale, along with the accompanying assessment and plan. The student will then provide rationale for medical decision making and appropriate E/M billing for the encounter. lease follow Rubric that is attachebcid. Will be attached separately.

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