Title: “Summaries and Critiques of Nursing Journal Articles on Exemplars” Article 1 Reference: Murray, K., & Palfreyman, S. (2018). The impact of nurse-led education on self-care and

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Title: “Summaries and Critiques of Nursing Journal Articles on Exemplars”

Article 1 Reference:
Murray, K., & Palfreyman, S. (2018). The impact of nurse-led education on self-care and

Summarize and critique a Nursing journal article addressing one of the exemplars for the first THREE lectures. . . .capture the key points of the article in a paragraph or two then answer a → d below:
a. What are the strong points of the article (i.e. clinical relevance, directing future research, good overview of some specific aspect of care etc.)
b. Any weak points and why.
c. What did you learn–the are the most important “bullet points” to share.
d. Rate the article on a scale of 1-5 for usefulness.
Please submit the reference (preferably a link to the article if it is available on-line) and the one or two page critique for each article.

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