Title: Serving as an Expert Witness in a Child Abuse Case: The Role of a Forensic Nurse

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Title: Serving as an Expert Witness in a Child Abuse Case: The Role of a Forensic Nurse

You as the forensic nurse has been contacted to serve as an expert witness for a child abuse case
Please Follow these steps:
1. Begin with the APA style title page and an introduction.
2. Describe the details of your area of clinical expertise as a forensic nurse in one paragraph.
3. Write a one-paragraph description of the case for which you have been requested to serve as an expert witness.
4. Include which party you have been requested to represent (in this case would be the prosecution)
5. Next, develop a list of 4 questions you have for the lawyer during your first phone or email contact during which you have received the initial case details/summary
6. 3 additional points you would like to clarify before preparing your set of comments/review.
7. 4 initial items you a requesting the lawyer to provide you with for preparation of your full case review.
8. End with a robust conclusion and support with at least 3 peer reviewed references, less than 10 years old that you would use to support your testimony in Reference.
• Length: 1500-2000 words; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner.
• Structure: Include a title page and reference page (if needed) in APA style. These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment.
Required Resources: • Leach, E. (2018, April 8). 5 top things I wish I learned when I started my legal nurse consulting business. [Video] YouTube.
• American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants.
• American Legfjkal Nurse Consultant Certification Board.

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