Title: Molecular Diagnostics in the Diagnosis of COVID-19: An Essential Tool for the Pandemic Response

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Title: Molecular Diagnostics in the Diagnosis of COVID-19: An Essential Tool for the Pandemic Response

Please read the attached article and answer the following questions. 1.) What are the two different types of testing used to aid in the diagnosis of COVID-19? What is the difference with each type and what role does each play with regard to the pandemic?
2. ) Discuss at least two reasons that molecular diagnostics are critical for COVID-19. Keep in mind that this question says to DISCUSS and not just to LIST or state. You must discuss reasons why it is important and WHY. 3.) Discuss the various types of amplification methods and why one might be used over another.
4.) What are the benefits, limitations of using molecular testing for COVID-19?
5.) Discuss the importance of sensitivity and specificity with regard to diagnostic testing and also specifically with regard to COVID-19 testing.
6.) Explain the concept of pooling with regard to COVID-19 testing. Why might pooling be used and what are the benefits and limitations of pooling samples for diagnostic testing?
Please be sure to answer each question adequately and thoroughly. To answer these questions adequately, you will need to review the references used in this article and possibly other articles that you identify. Keep in mind that this article is a literature review, which means that it used other sources. Consequently, you must cite any facts obtained from the literature and you must be sure to cite the appropriate source. Please include a list of references used. Plagiarism detection tools are being used so please be sure to use your own words when answering each question.
You will be graded using the rubric. (will attach it later)
*Simple question and answer format, no need for an abstract. Reference total is an estimate, use as many as necessary to meet the needs of the questions, unless trumped by the rubric which may be uploaded at later date.

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