Title: Managing Staff-Patient Conflict in a Rehabilitation Unit

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Title: Managing Staff-Patient Conflict in a Rehabilitation Unit

Read Learning Exercise 21.9 in the textbook: “Handling Staff-Patient Conflict”, and answer the following questions:
Is avoidance (assigning different staff to care for the patient) an appropriate conflict resolution strategy in this situation? Why or why not?
Will you as the manager/leader encourage the nursing assistants to confront the patient directly?
What coaching or role playing might you use with them if you choose this approach?
Devise a strategy that will address the issue, including what is and what is not negotiable.
You are the supervisor of a rehabilitation unit. Two of your youngest female nursing assistants come to your office today to report that a young male paraplegic patient has been making lewd sexual comments and gestures when they provide basic care. When you question them about their response to the actions of the patient, they maintain that they normally simply look away and try to ignore him, although they are offended by his actions. They are reluctant to confront the patient directly. Because it is anticipated that this patient may remain on your unit for at least a month, the nursing assistants have asked you to intervene in this conflict by either talking to the patient or by assigning other nurses the responsibility for his care. ASSIGNMENT: How will you handle this staff–patient conflict? Is avoidance (assigning different staff to care for the patient) an appropriate conflict resolution strategy in this situation? Will you encourage the nursing assistants to confront the patient directly? What coaching or role playing might you use with them if you choose this approach? Will you confront the patient yourself? What might you say?
Mainly use provided book, chapters 19, 20, 21, 24, 25
Additional references
Additional Readings
Moore, L. W., Sublett, C., & Leahy, C. (2017). Nurse managers speak out about disruptive nurse-to-nurse relationships. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 47(1), 24–29. [Available from the New Jersey State Library in the Ovid database.]
American Association of Critical Care Nurses. (n.d.). Healthy work environments. (Note: Be sure to review the specific section on skilled communication.)
Doll, Joy. [Tedx Talks]. (2018, May 30). Collaboration in health care: The journey or the accidental expert? [Video]. YouTube. Lydia Richards. (2016, October 29). Conflict resolution techniques [Video]. YouTube. Hansten Healthcare. (2013, June 1). The five rights of delegatibcion and teamwork [Video]. YouTube.

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