Title: Literature Search and Summary of Ten Research Studies on a PICO(T) Question in Nursing

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Title: Literature Search and Summary of Ten Research Studies on a PICO(T) Question in Nursing

This week you will use one of the PICO(T) questions formulated last week to direct a search for relevant nursing literature. Using the attached Literature Search Worksheet, perform a literature search using the APUS online library databases and summarize ten (10) research studies.
In Part 1 of the Literature Search Worksheet, record your chosen PICO(T), the database(s) searched, the search terms used, and any steps you took to refine your search.
In Part 2, summarize ten (10) studies by completing the chart. For each study, include the following:
Research question that guided the research study
The research methodology used (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, systematic review, or meta-synthesis)
The findings of the study
Strengths of the study
Weaknesses of the study (this can also include limitations)
Level of Evidence (Hierarchy of Evidence) for the study
Make sure to include a References page at the end that includes all ten (10) studies.

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