Title: Final Argument Paper Planning and Time-Management

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Title: Final Argument Paper Planning and Time-Management

Build a three–slide PowerPoint presentation that includes text and graphics. Outline your answers to the following questions based on the topic and context presented in the doc Proposal_and_Problem_Statement_Paper, Scientific and Mathematical_Analytical Inquiry Draft and CAPS_Ethical_and_Cultural_Perspectives_of_Inquiry :
1. What are some specific questions you have concerning the final argument paper?
2. What is your time–management plan for compiling and editing your final paper?
3. What parts of your final paper do you anticipate will take the most time and attention? For example:
Incorporating instructor feedback in your perspective papers
Reworking the perspective papers into one cohesive paper
Writing the introduction, conclusion, or abstract
APA formatting
Revising for grammar, spelling, and punctuation

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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