Title: Exploring Family Medical History through a Self-Genogram: A Reflection

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Title: Exploring Family Medical History through a Self-Genogram: A Reflection

Instructions for Self-Genogram Assignment:
You will need to create a genogram about you and your family medical history. If you do not know your family due to various factors including adoption, you may choose to interview another family. You can also make up your genogram. Your genogram should include:
• Family health information on yourself, your parents, and grandparents. This would make this a 3 generational genogram based on both sides of your family (paternal and maternal).
• Create a key to the symbols you use in the genogram based on information in your textbook, this handout, and the internet research sites.
• You do not need to use any names on the genogram, use the symbols for sex and relationship based on the key.
• The genogram may be computer generated or carefully printed on regular printer paper.
Helpful links:
• https://www.mydraw.com/genogram/
• https://www.genopro.com/genogram/templates/
• https://www.progenygenetics.com/online-pedigree/
• https://www.edrawsoft.com/template-medical-genogram.php Reflection The purpose of reflective writing is to give you an opportunity to examine your learning experience, integrate it, and make it relevant four your own purposes. You will need to decide what is interesting, meaningful, and important to you and why.
What is most important is addressing the questions and ensuring there is enough depth of ideas and connections to the material and experiences. The content of the reflection is to be based on what you think and how you integrate ideas. Your paper should include depth, connections, evidence of understanding, and the implications of what you have discovered from this activity.
The length of a reflection should be no more than two pages. It should follow APA 7th ed. formatting rules. Reflection Questions:
• What was the most significant thing you learned during this assignment?
• What were some surprising findings you noticed and why were they surprising?
• How might your findings change or impact your thoughts and actions about your health?
• Would this be a useful tool in practice? Why or why not?

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