Title: “Examining the Relationship between Team, Organization and Leadership Characteristics and Quality of Care in Moria Group Geriatric Centers in Israel”

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Title: “Examining the Relationship between Team, Organization and Leadership Characteristics and Quality of Care in Moria Group Geriatric Centers in Israel”

Subject: Team, Organization and Leadership Characteristics and the quality of Nursing Care in Moria group geriatric centers in Israel.
Research Question: The relationship between Team, Organization and Leadership Characteristics and the Quality of Care in Moria group geriatric centers in Israel.
H1: There would be a positive relationship between teams’ characteristics and quality of care, as follows:
H1a: teams’ commitment, social integration and trust would be positively related to quality of care
H1b: teams’ knowledge and skills would be positively related to quality of care.
H2: There would be a positive relationship between organizations’ characteristics and quality of care, as follows:
H2a: positive work environment would be positively related to quality of care.
H2b: compensation would be positively related to quality of care.
H3: Leadership type would moderate the relationship between both teams’ and organizations’ characteristics and the quality of care. As follows: The relationship between teams’ and organizations’ characteristics and the quality of care would be higher for transformational rather than transactional leadership.
The research proposal consists of 5 pages, which includes the title and issue of the research, its objectives, importance, methodologies and theoretical references.

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