Title: Enhancing Professional Citizenship in Nursing: Reflections and Strategies for Moral Courage and Visibility

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Title: Enhancing Professional Citizenship in Nursing: Reflections and Strategies for Moral Courage and Visibility

In consideration of your learning activities:
1. Identify your understanding about moral courage and perhaps what you wish you would have known as a ‘younger’ nurse.
2. Identify three areas where professional nursing needs to ‘step up its game’ or ‘increase its professional visibility and/or contributions from a societal or policy perspective. (Support your assertions.)
3. Identify at least two innovative evidence-based strategies nurses could use to enhance the perceived professional citizenship of nursing. (Support your assertions.)
Additional Notes:
• Your post (~ 400-600 words) should clearly address new insight gained after completing and reflecting on the learning activities. Incorporate application to your current and/or future nursing practice. Support your with at least two APA-formatted scholarly sources.

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