Title: “Coronary Heart Disease and Metabolic Syndrome: A Case Study of Deborah”

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Title: “Coronary Heart Disease and Metabolic Syndrome: A Case Study of Deborah”

Deborah is 56 years old, smokes half a pack of cigarettes a day, and is overweight. Her friend wants her to come to a local women’s fitness class she attends to once a week. She knows Deborah’s dad had died of an acute myocardial infarction when he was 56, and she fears, seeing Deborah’s lifestyle, the same fate awaits her friend. What she did not know was that Deborah had also been to her doctor for her annual physical where her blood pressure was 168/94 mm Hg, and she was told her LDLs were 180 mg/dL, HDLs were 36 mg/dL, cholesterol was 239 mg/dL, and her triglyceride levels were 180 mg dL. Her fasting blood glucose was 92 mg/dL.
Please answer the following questions and submit your assignment via CANVAS by the due date. Remember to cite your answers using APA format. 1. What are Deborah’s known risk factors for coronary heart disease based on her health history and lab results?
2. Deborah’s doctor gave her pamphlets describing strategies to stop smoking, salt restriction and a list of exercise ideas she might want to try. Identify one modifiable risk factor for primary hypertension and discuss the pathophysiology of how this risk factor leads to high blood pressure. 3. What is the role of macrophages in the formation of atherosclerotic plaques? 4. Go to the American Heart Association website and review the pages on Metabolic Syndrome: http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/Conditions/More/MetabolicSyndrome/Metabolic-Syndrome_UCM_002080_SubHomePage.jsp Answer the following four questions about Metabolic Syndrome:
a. What is Metabolic Syndrome? b. How is Metabolic Syndrome diagnosed? c. What is the relationship of Metabolic Syndrome to cardiovascular disease?
d. Based on the information provided in the case study above, does Deborah have Metabolic Syndrome? 5. View the Nucleus Medical Media video Heart Attack Due to Atherosclerosis at:

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