Title: “Addressing Diabetes in the Community: A Poster Presentation and Analysis” Introduction: Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide, with an estimated 34.2 million people in the United States alone living with diabetes (

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Title: “Addressing Diabetes in the Community: A Poster Presentation and Analysis”

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide, with an estimated 34.2 million people in the United States alone living with diabetes (

To complete this assignment, you will develop a teaching resource focusing on either health promotion or injury prevention in the community. You will then write a scholarly paper analyzing the teaching resource. In this assignment, you will have the opportunity to do each of the following:
• Create a health promotion or injury prevention resource addressing an issue in your community.
• Complete an analysis paper of the teaching resource.
Teaching resources to be used is Poster presentation, which means a poster will be design for this assignment.
Through this assignment, you will create a health promotion or injury prevention resource addressing a health issue in your community using a poster presentation. This means that you will create a poster which will be aimed at addressing the health issue you chose which will be diabetes. after, you will Complete an analysis paper of the teaching resource.
You are to provide an introduction and a conclusion for this assignment. Please note an APA-format reference list. Include three (3) current references, with one being a nursing journal. (Current; no more than 5 years old)
you are to follow the assignment instructiluvon to do this paper for each subsections.

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