“Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of a Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Cast Immobilisation and Removable Brace for Ankle Fractures in Adults: A Critical Review”

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Assessment briefUse of cast immobilisation versus removable brace in adults with
an ankle fracture: multicentre randomised controlled trial
Kearney et al 2021The papers include a variety of statistical methods that you are required to explain and critique (did they use an appropriate method, did they check the relevant assumptions, what other methods could they have used?). You also need to interpret the results of the analyses performed in the study, and relate the results to clinical practice or how they could be used to inform policy.For this assessment I am looking for breadth rather than depth, i.e. I want you to show me as much as you can about different aspects of statistical analysis and not focus in detail on one area.So look at every aspect of the statistics you can find, including types of variables used (outcomes or explanatory variables and what type of data they represent), descriptive statistics, analysis of results including results presented in the text or tables, presentational issues (e.g. not reporting p-values exactly), and for any graphs of statistical data, remember to make sure you know what the axes are showing and also look at information presented in any legends etc. Also make sure to look at any footnotes for tables/graphs to ensure you have interpreted the presented information correctly.

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