“SOAP Note: Abdominal Pain and Diarrhea in a 61-Year-Old Female with a History of HTN and High Cholesterol”

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“SOAP Note: Abdominal Pain and Diarrhea in a 61-Year-Old Female with a History of HTN and High Cholesterol”

SOAP NOTE on a61 year old black female with a history of HTN and high cholesterol presents to clinic with c/o lower abdominal pain, diarrhea, and burning sensation that started last week Monday. Patient is visiting her daughter in-law in Georgia from Alabama for 3 weeks. Patient reports that she was seen in the ER in Alabama last Wednesday for the same symptoms and was diagnosed with hypokalemia and placed on potassium supplements. Patient has completed her potassium supplements but is still having the abdominal pain, diarrhea, and also reports burning sensation around her mouth. Patient reports about 6 episodes of semi-solid stools a day. Patient also reports feeling bloated, abdominal cramping, and pressure like pain to lower back area. On initial visit to ER last week patient reported N/V, denies any since discharge from ER. Patient reports her diet has been bland foods and she has been trying to drink fluids. Daughter-In- Law gave her pedialyte this morning. Please please please follow RUBRIC FOR GRADING
Genogram, please include pictoral Genogram
Maternal Grandmother: Deceased, MI @87
Maternal GrandFather: Deceased @ 78, had CAD, HTN, Diabetes
Paternal GrandMother: Deceased, HTN, CAD
Paternal GrandFather: Deceased, HTN, High Cholesterol
Father: 82, had CAD, HTN, Diabetes
Mother: 78, HTN, Diabetes
Brother, 53, HTN, DIABETES
Sister, 51, no medical problems
Son x2 35,3bci9, no medical problems
Daughter, 42, HTN

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