“Reflecting on Clinical Rotations and a Memorable Patient with Temporal Arteritis”

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“Reflecting on Clinical Rotations and a Memorable Patient with Temporal Arteritis”

Erin posted Oct 21, 2022 3:58 PM
I can’t believe this course is already coming to an end! During my clinicals this rotation, I really wanted to focus on getting my wellness exam SOAP notes completed. I believe that seeing a “normal” note will help me to better distinguish when a patient comes in for a non-wellness visit. I was surprised that I didn’t really have very many OB/GYN visits this semester, so the next semester coming up I will shoot to hit those so I know they are taken care of. I have multiple geriatrics as well as pediatrics, so I am not as concerned with meeting those quotas. I still have all of my maternal health visits to complete. Current pediatric SOAP notes I need left include a child (1-12) HEENT exam and a teen wellness, along with one generic SOAP of choice. As for adults, I need four more of any topic and I still have all the geriatric SOAP notes left to complete.
One patient that will be memorable for me includes my patient that I saw for eye loss and unilateral headache. She was diagnosed with temporal arteritis. I found this a very interesting case for several reasons, first being I had truly never heard of this condition before—but even more so, it was quite fulfilling to see a patient receive her sight back with the treatment provided. That is the main reason I chose to do the topic of temporal arteritis on my diagnosis project—the whole situation was gratifying and I hope others have that same experience. Temporal arteritis must be treated rapidly to restore vision loss with glucocorticoids. (Salvarani, 2022). Knowing that our patient was diagnosed quickly and treated appropriately was a very rewarding situation.
Salvarani, C., & Muratore, F. (2022). Treatment of giabcint cell arteritis. UpToDate. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/treatment-of-giant-cell-arteritis?search=temporal%20arteritis%20treatment&source=search_result&selectedTitle=1~146&usage_type=default&display_rank=1

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