“Proposing a Viable Solution to Address the Issue of Homelessness in Our Community”

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“Proposing a Viable Solution to Address the Issue of Homelessness in Our Community”

For this paper, you will argue for a viable SOLUTION to the community problem/issue that you have been researching this semester. If you can’t think of a full solution to the problem, then propose a way that would help alleviate the issue. The solution needs to be something realistic but based on your opinion and in need of defending. In other words, you will use argumentation techniques and research to persuade your audience that your solution is the best one for the issue. The paper needs to be a sustained, in depth argument in which you will propose and defend ONE POSSIBLE SOLUTION to the issue you have been researching. This means that you cannot be arguing for multiple possibilities at the same time. You may have to narrow down your research topic even more until you get something you can tackle appropriately in a five to seven page paper. Your thesis statement will clearly define what your solution is; your paper will be breaking the solution down into reasons why your proposed solution is best. Please keep in mind that this paper is NOT just reporting on the issue. While you will need to establish briefly in a paragraph or two towards the beginning of the paper what the problem is in your field that you are focusing on solving, THE BULK OF THE PAPER NEEDS TO BE ARGUING THE BEST WAY TO FIX THIS PROBLEM. If you are not defending your solution throughout the whole paper, then it is a report and not an argumentation paper.
The argument paper must include a clear thesis statement, main idea sentences that further along the argument, and a variety of examples and data to back up your claims. In other words, you must spend time coming up with an outline to your argument and carefully selecting data that strengthens your assertions. This, however, does NOT mean that you can just cherry pick data. Rather, your paper needs to accurately depict the findings of your research and avoid misleading your readers. As you craft your research-based argumentation paper, you will be thinking about pathos, ethos, and logos and how to properly use them to persuade your audience to your side of the argument. When structuring your argument, you may use one of the following arrangements out of chapter 11 in your 10 Core Concepts book:
– The Classical Arrangement*
– The Rogerian Argument
– Inductive reasoning
– Deductive reasoning
* You may also use the Toulmin model variant of this found in Chapter 3 of The Well-Crafted Argument
This is not something that you can just write as a stream-of-consciousness argument. Rather, you must take time to map out your ideas using one of the above structures and consider the rhetorical situation at all times. The paper needs to reflect reader-based prose where you demonstrate an understanding of where your audience is coming from and use this to address your rhetorical challenges.
This paper is going to be a research-based argumentation paper, where you will need to incorporate at least five outside sources from credible authors, and two of thefjkse need to be peer-reviewed articles.

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