Project Charter: Improving Patient Outcomes through Enhanced Medication Management Practices in a Primary Care Setting

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Project Charter: Improving Patient Outcomes through Enhanced Medication Management Practices in a Primary Care Setting

For this assignment, use what you learned about quality improvement, identifying a problem or gap, creating SMART objectives, and drafting a project AIM Statement as you develop Part 1 of your Project Charter from a nursing, public health, or health administrative perspective.
Use the Project Charter Template [DOCX] to complete the following items found in Part 1:
Project Name: Create a title for your Project Charter.
Make the title specific and distinct from other projects so the reader knows the goal and wants to learn more.
Be creative in developing your title
Gap Analysis: In this section, identify a gap or change opportunity: What are you trying to accomplish?
Identify a relevant gap or problem that you are interested in, are passionate about, are familiar with or know about, or have experienced in your professional life.
Describe the current state; for example, the existing condition or what you want to improve.
Describe the desired condition: What should be happening?
Explain how you identified the problem, gap or opportunity for change. What is the difference between the current status and what it should be?
Why is improvement needed in this area? Why is this problem important/meaningful/relevant?
Evidence to Support the Need: In this section, present evidence to support the need for improvement. What evidence do you have to substantiate the gap or problem exists?
Include 2-3 sources that substantiate the gap or problem exists and why improvement is needed.
Consider primary and secondary data sources, regulatory requirements, clinical practice guidelines, and benchmarking data.
Cite all sources using the most current version of APA formatting inclusive of publications within the last five years.
Problem Statement: After performing the Gap Analysis, develop a problem statement (1-2 sentences) that identifies something specific (one area) that your project charter can realistically “solve.” The problem statement should include:
Where and when the problem occurs.
How the problem was determined.
Size/scope of the problem.
The impact of the problem on the population identified.
SMART Objectives: Write SMART Objectives for your Project Charter. Think about “how good,” for whom or what system, by when, and why. These objectives should define the population and the systems affected. Complete SMART objectives address all of the following:
Specific: Who is the target population, persons, or process?
Measurable: How will you measure the change you anticipate: An increase or decrease? This must be stated in measurable terms.
Achievable: Is it realistic? Do you have the time, support, and resources?
Relevant: Is it important or meaningful? Does it consider issues related to population health and the social determinants of health (health equity, inclusion)? Does it align with organizational mission and goals?
Time: When will the project begin and when will it end?
Project AIM: Develop an AIM statement that articulates the overarching purpose of your Project Charter, including:
The goals you intend to accomplish.
The anticipated impact on the population, systems, or organizations served.
An explanation of why you are undertaking this task.
Pertinent background information or historical context.
APA-style references and citations as appropriate.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Write clearly, accurately, and professionally, incorporating sources appropriately.
Length of paper: Complete all fields of the Project Charter Template Part 1 (approximately 2-3 pages when complete).
Resources: Include sources where appropriate within the template; each part of the Project Charter must include its own reference page formatted according to the most recent APA style.
Font and font size: APA format (7th edition) permits Times Roman (12-point), Arial (11-point), and Calibri (11-point).

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