Plan of Dissertation on the Incidents of ESBL Producing Crown Negative Bacteria “Examining the Incidence and Impact of ESBL-Producing Crown Negative Bacteria: A Comprehensive Study and Analysis”

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Plan of Dissertation on the Incidents of ESBL Producing Crown Negative Bacteria

“Examining the Incidence and Impact of ESBL-Producing Crown Negative Bacteria: A Comprehensive Study and Analysis”

This order is a plan of the dissertation that I am going to submit to the writer in the few days.
The title of this disseration is: The Incidents of ESBL Producing Crown Negative Bacteria.
The writer must look at the negative bacteria in the community and in the 2nd care hospital to make comparison.
based on the handbook attached, the writer must provide:
(1) a Plan of the dissertation of 275 words of the (Introduction – Method – Results – Discussion – Appendices – Refrernces).
(2) Introduction – What are the relationship the different types or sub-types of ESBL like CTX, OXA and so on; How these types and developments, from the names of the person, the history which will formulate the introdcution and then the study os to look at the incidents of ESBL.
(3) The Histrory – The paper must collect info How resistance started, occur and developed.
(4) Method, result and statistics of todays’ patients and prediction of the Conclusion.
(5) Hravard style refrences to be cited through the disseration in the field of (Subject) and publication duribcing 5 to 10 years.

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