Marginalized Populations and Health Equity: An Annotated Bibliography Introduction: The at-risk population that will be explored in this annotated bibliography is Indigenous people in Canada. Indigenous people in Canada are those who identify as First Nations, Inuit,

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Marginalized Populations and Health Equity: An Annotated Bibliography

The at-risk population that will be explored in this annotated bibliography is Indigenous people in Canada. Indigenous people in Canada are those who identify as First Nations, Inuit,

Marginalized Populations Assignment
1. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY (80% of the total mark)
CRITICAL analysis of five articles pertaining to the concepts of social justice and health equity in the context of marginalized populations. Read Chapter 10 of the Vollman (2017) text on social justice as a background.
Identify a population within Canada that does not experience health equity, some possible examples may include the following actual or potentially marginalized populations in Canada:
1. Refugees from areas of conflict anywhere in the world
2. Homeless individuals
3. Indigenous people
Find FIVE (5) articles about the at-risk population you have chosen. They should be current (within the last 5 years) and reflect the Canadian context (written about Canada and by predominately Canadian authors).
You do not need an abstract for this assignment.
Follow the steps below.
1. Introduction: (200 words maximum) describing the at-risk population you have chosen. (5%)
2. Cite the article using APA style. You will repeat steps 2 – 4 for each article.
3. Each citation should be followed by a concise discussion that describes and analyzes the article.
4. Summarize the central theme and message of the article (300 words maximum per article). (10% x 5 = 50%)
5. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. In order to write an annotated bibliography you need to be concise while at the same time, analytical in your description about what the article presents.
5. Write a brief summary of the article including the author’s conclusions (The authors discuss/explore/investigate ________and concluded that_________.
6. Indicate any strengths or weaknesses of the article including the overall reliability of the source
7. The authority of the author (the author’s credentials–institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience)
8. Type of article (study; systematic review; opinion piece)
9. Currency of the article (date of publication, how current is the data?)
10. The author’s conclusions and how he/she arrived at them (Does the information appear to be valid and well- researched, or is it unsupported by evidence? Assumptions should be reasonable. Note errors or omissions.
10. Is the author’s point of view objective and impartial? Is the language free of emotion-arousing words and bias?)
11. Is the material primary or secondary in nature? Primary sources are the raw material of the research process. Secondary sources are based on primary sources
12. Describe your reaction to the articles (300 words maximum) (15%):
13. How do the articles add to your understanding of the marginalized population, health equity, and social justice?
14. Do they extensively or marginally cover your topic?
Brief conclusion about the topic as a whole based on the articles you have chosen (500 words) (10%)
1. What did you learn and how does it apply to your nursing practice?
Scholarly Writing Style (20%)
The paper should be structured according to APA 7th edition with a title page, untitled introduction, body organized by appropriate headings, conclusion, and a reference list.
Spelling and grammar are correct.
Information should be well organized, logical links are evident within paragraphs, within sections, and among sections of the paper.
Evidence of critical thinking, analysis and synthesis.
Maximum length 2,500 words – content beyond maximum word count will not be read or marked.

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