“Interim Report: Evaluating the Use of Pleural Fluid Tests for Diagnosis and Management of Pleural Effusions”

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This is a interim report for Pleural Fluid Tests. i HAVE DOWNLOADED SOME EXAMPLE OF REPORT WHERE THE MARKINGS WERE 70%-68%. I am looking to get above 75% for this report. You need to write about or around 3000 words, i have included The guidelines where you have to follow the constructive format which i have designed for you to include in the report. You already completed my Pleural Fluid Proposal for me, (this time i have changed the TITLE ) but this is the report for that same proposal. You can use the proposal to help you. In the rpeort you can include figures or tables/pictures to make it look interesting, i have attachef some exmaples in the guidelines. ALso this report the patient sample evaluation is 30 not 20!, also in the report make sure to clearly write that the Pleural fluid tests are measured using assays developed or validated for serum due to lack of CE markings, EXPLAIN CE marking too…..the results and discussion you don’t need to write much as the results are not ready yet.The LAY OUT guidance is in the guidelines interim report folder.
the number of References doesn’t matter as long as you have enough information but make it at least 20-25

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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