“Improving Primary Care: Redesigning Pathways for First Contact Physiotherapists in GP Services”

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I would like writer to prepare the presentation either on pre-existing pathway redesign or develop new pathway specifically related and beneficial to First Contact Physiotherapist within GP service. I am unsure of any pathway than could be picked up for this assignment hence open to ideas. I have an example idea: currently within FCP clinic we see patient only once, give them advice, exercise and do not book any follow-up appointment however a service re-design could be if FCP book the same patient again to review one more time and see if there is any further improvement in their symptoms. This would reduce further burden on secondary care including physiotherapy department and also reduce burden on GP’s. This is just an example. This is a quality improvement project. This would also require an audit, which I would leave it to you to make up somethinking. I have attached the guidelines, an exmple of previous students work and other necessary documents require for this project. Kindly read the guidelines carefully and stick to it. I would like writer to discuss the idea they are going to prepare presentation on with me before preparing presentation.
I am looking for writer who has experience of either working as first contact physiotherapist or within GP surgery/primary care. Need a presentation on either service redesign or pre-existing service evaluation (your choice). kindly see the guidelines. I am looking for heavy critical reflection of the studies that you would be using. i am looking for around 1500 word of speaker notes too. I do not believe a writer who doesnt know what first contact physiotherapist in GP surgery do can do this presentation. I would like writer to have discussion with me prior to commencing the order.

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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