“Exploring the Use of Miller’s Pyramid and Learning Theory in Simulation-Based Learning: A Critical Analysis of Social Science Evidence”

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• 3,500 words Social science essay + 35 references
• Using Harvard Reference
• Double space
• 3rd person
• the use of Miller’s Pyramid of Clinical Competence in the context of simulation-based learning evidence to evaluate arguments and the use of theory to build accounts of the social world
• Judicious use simulation technology
• Learning styles preferences
• Low to high cost fidelity simulation
• Simple cost effective design v high cost trainers
• Evaluation of skills acquisition
• Critical analysis, sympethise, evaluation
• Weigh in up the evidence
• Discuss learning theory
• Discuss in terms of education practice
• Analyse relevant material
• Critical aspect to any research
• Curriculum development
• Why interested in this area (inquisitive about : simulation resources available + impact in rich countries v poor countries)
• Academic argument
• Theory that it is used to teach

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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