Exploring the Lived Experience of Listening to Music through Coding and Theme Analysis

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Exploring the Lived Experience of Listening to Music through Coding and Theme Analysis

This assignment should only be about two pages. You will create three discussion board posts. It is more about coding. Instructions are below. POST ONE Each student will post a brief narrative on the lived experience of listening to music. There are no rules here. Don’t over think it. Write down whatever comes to mind. Don’t worry about punctuation or sentence structure. Write free form and include whatever comes to mind. Don’t edit it (except in the case that what you have written would either not be appropriate for class and/or something you are not comfortable sharing). Posts will be hidden until you post this first step. Here is an example . . . My runs are powered by music. The music fits the run. Long runs are fueled by songs that pick me up but don’t make me too crazy (somebody to love, wrecked, what me worry, stick season) tempo or hill runs need to get a little angry (Beggin, Lose Yourself, Uprising, Fireball ). Some songs are best for those final miles on a marathon length or long endurance run. These miles call for some female goddess power. Amazing doctors and nurses cured my cancer but this music and running cured my soul (Unstoppable, survivor, whatever it takes, Killer queen, I See Red). Queen really fits the bill for anything I love Queen. I think you get the idea. I worked this up in about 10 or 15 minutes I didn’t edit it and don’t expect you to edit yours unless there is something you’re not comfortable leaving in. This is more about putting reflections on paper w/o thinking too much. This will provide the best data from which students can practice with. POST TWO In addition to your own select 2 other posts from step 1. Cut and paste them into a new post and label narrative 1, narrative 2, and narrative 3. Next, begin coding by adding a label to short phrases. The label should represent the meaning of the phrase. Please code w/in the narrative script and bold the codes. I have demonstrated coding using a few sentence fragments but you will leave the full text intact. Here is an example of how you might insert codes . . . (I don’t have multiple narrative to work with so I made this section up. In qualitative work the quotes are usually put in italics so they stand out). Keep your analysis in normal text and codes in bolded text. Narrative 1 I play music when I’m cleaning and time flies by [altered perception of time] Narrative 2 There are songs that I hear that bring me right back to when I was . . . [time travel] my heart breaks all over again [physical effects] Narrative 3 If I’m anxious I will put on slow music and chill out, when I’m made I’ll play loud alternative music and just thrash [therapeutic?] You don’t need to have a code for every word or even every line. Read the narrative and see what stands out and make a guess at the meaning. POST THREE Use the now coded data in step two and create at least one theme or concept based on the coded narratives. Include a cited reference that relates to your found theme or concept. Remember this is inductively derived so find the concept or theme first. It should come from the raw data. Once you have a finding you check the literature for what is known that relates to that finding. Keep this simple you only need one. For example . . . Narratives on the lived experience of listening to music included perceptions of physiologic changes when listening to music. Sloboda (2016) found that 80% of participants not only experienced physical responses to music but also that certain changes in musical structures evoked a consistent type of response across participants. One structure might provoke tears reliably while another provoked shivers (Sloboda, 2016). Sloboda, J. (2016) Music Structure and Emotional Response: Some Empirical findings. Psychology of Music 19(2), 110-120.

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