Exploring Complementary Approaches to Grief and Loss: An Analysis of Worden’s Four Tasks of Mourning and Selected Readings from Module 3

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Exploring Complementary Approaches to Grief and Loss: An Analysis of Worden’s Four Tasks of Mourning and Selected Readings from Module 3

(please do not over 500 woords !!!!!
At least 4+references which since 2012 !!!!
Need choose a reference from Module 3 reading list to discuss which is already uploaded )
Assignment Content
Task: Complete the following learning activity and post to the activity discussion board.
Think about Worden’s four tasks of mourning. Select a reading from the Module 3 reading list (not the Worden text) and discuss how the ideas within that article might compliment or work well within Worden’s framework
Your response should be a maximum of 500 words, (excluding references) .
Use of loss and grief theory is essential within your responses. You must in-text reference at least 4 academic sources (from this or other module readings).
You may write in the first person in this piece of academic writing.
Assessment Criteria
Demonstrated evidence of appropriate module readings (minimum of 4 academic references).
Demonstrated understanding of relevant theoretical frameworks.
Demonstrated ability to apply theory and critically reflect on your own learning
Adherence to academic writing conventions (correct spelling, grammar and referencing (APA 7th))
Timely submission (by due date).
Readings for Module Three (u can see in upload files named Module 3 (weeks 5 & 6) Study Guide)
• Barak, A. (2017) Creative Writing after Traumatic Loss: Towards a Generative Writing. BritishJournal of Social Work, 47 (3). Pp. 936-954• Brownlee, K., & Oikonen, J. (2004). Toward a theoretical framework for perinatalbereavement. British Journal of Social Work, 34(4), 517-529.• Hoyle, J.N. & Mckinney, C.H. (2015) Music Therapy in the Bereavement of Adults withIntellectual Disabilities. Music Therapy Perspectives. 33(1) pp39-44.• Knight, C. & Gitterman, A. (2014) Group work with bereaved individuals: The power ofmutual aid. Social Work. 58(10) pp5-12.• Oreg, A. (2020). The grief ritual of extracting and donating human milk after perinatalloss. Social Science & Medicine, 265, 113312.•• Phipps, C.B. (2018) Metamorphosis: An ethnographic journey through loss, grief andperceived identity changes. Journal of Loss and Trauma 23(6). pp 458-467.• Shaohua, L., & Shorey, S. (2021). Psychosocial interventions on psychological outcomes ofparents with perinatal loss: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Internationbcial Journal ofNursing Studies, 103871.

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