Evaluation of Reporting Quality of “The Effect of Music on Pain and Anxiety during Dressing Change in Burn Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial” 1. Was the trial design appropriate for the research question? Answer: Yes Justification: The trial

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You are asked to evaluate the reporting quality of the supplied article against all 11 questions plus the appraisal summary from the CASP Randomised Controlled Trials Checklist, link on vUWS. For each of the 11 CASP questions represented as numbered sections in the assignment template, select one of the ”Yes” or ”No” or ”Can’t tell” from the drop-down list. Then, for each question add a typed prose justification of your multiple-choice answer, evaluating the reporting quality of the article by clearly answering the CASP question and addressing the CASP points to consider included with the question. After answering all 11 CASP questions, complete the ”Appraisal Summary” section of the assignment template, again taking into account key points for this section in the CASP and additional advice provided in class and on vUWS to assist your appraisal. Avoid expending words on evidence evaluation not raised in the CASP questions. No additional research is needed, and no citations or references beyond the supplied article and the CASP Randomised Controlled Trials Checklist are expected
You must use only the journal article provided during this semester to complete this assessment task.
Written report presented on Word document template supplied on vUWS. Do not complete or submit the original CASP documents for this assessment. Format and presentation are assessable (i.e., worth marks). Assignments are to be typed preferably in Arial 12-point font, as per the template, or an almost identical font such as Calibri, Open Sans or Helvetica. Main text must be doubled-spaced (not 1½ spaced) with wide margins. Spacing of 1½ lines is permitted only for the reference list. Single-line spacing is not permitted anywhere. Assignment text must not consist of embedded graphical objects. No tables or graphs (charts) are needed to complete the assignment properly. The supplied document template for the assignment is formatted correctly for this assignment. Template formatting should not be modified. The original left-justified-only paragraph formatting is recommended so text is not stretched across the page by wide spacing, especially in the reference list. Headers and footers, including page numbers, must be retained and updated with your name and student number in the footer on every page.
Question text next to the question numbers outside of the table cells may be deleted to save words. Question numbers must be retained so markers know what question you’re answering.

Feeling overwhelmed with your essay workload? Relax– we've got your back! From research to citations, our writers can handle it all. Click now for quality essay writing!

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