“Crafting a Healthcare Mission, Vision, and Values: A Strategic Approach for Organizational Success”

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“Crafting a Healthcare Mission, Vision, and Values: A Strategic Approach for Organizational Success”

Healthcare Mission, Vision, and Values
Introduction: Healthcare leaders need experience in creating mission, vision, and value statements for their organizations. For this unit’s assignment, you will develop mission, vision, and value statements for a healthcare facility of your own choosing. The facility might be the one where you currently work, or it might be an organization that you someday hope to lead. It could even be a fictitious healthcare organization you might want to create.
Develop mission, vision, and value statements for a healthcare facility, incorporating the key characteristics and components of these statements. In addition to providing the statements, briefly explain why you chose the specific wording for each and why they are a good solution for your healthcare organization. There are two exhibit tables in the textbook on pages 177 and 185 as a strategic thinking map guide for writing mission statements.
Your assignment should be a minimum of two pages in length and should include a title page and reference page (title and reference pages do not count toward the total page requirement). To supplement your discussion, you should include at least two sources, and one should be your textbook. References and citations must be provided using APA style. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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