“Comparing and Contrasting Two Cardiovascular Conditions: Coronary Artery Disease and Aortic Stenosis” Two conditions being reviewed are: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) and Aortic Stenosis (AS) Pathophysiology of

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Pick two cardiovascular conditions that may seem similar but have different management considerations. Discuss the etiology, risk factors, and diagnostic criteria for both of the conditions. Discuss the major similarities and differences between the two conditions.
Please use the following template:
Two conditions being reviewed are:
Pathophysiology of the first condition (please state the condition you are discussing):
Risk factors and why are these considered risk factors:
Gold Standard Diagnostic Test used to rule in:
Pathophysiology of the second condition (please state the condition you are discussing):
Risk factors and why are these considered risk factors:
Gold Standard Diagnostic Test used to rule in:
Major Similarities between both conditions:
Major differences between both conditions:
Link to national Guidelines used (must be a clickable link (uptodate is not a national guideline):

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