“The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Reducing Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression: A Systematic Review” Results: A total of 20 studies were included in this systematic review, with a combined sample size of 1,561

Sytematic review for my masters degree. Only the results, discussion and conclusion needs to be written.
I Will upload my paper what i have so far and the criteria.
I am a dutch student so perfect English is not requiredIn appendix 1 and 2 are the criteria
There is no criteria for the amount of sourcves used. But ofcourse while writing the discussion references are needed. So use as many as needed

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“Exploring the Evidence Base for Practice in Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Critical Appraisal of 6 Key Pieces of Literature”

I need to identify 6 pieces of evidence relevant to the area (CIPN- chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy) and critically discuss how this information contributes to the evidence base for practice. This essay Is a critical appraisal of 6 pieces of information which relate to CIPN. I need to also say how this information could be used to inform the development of practice in my student area. So about this six pieces of evidence I will have to talk about the pro and cons (so I need to demonstrate my critical thinking through consideration of strengths and limitations of the types of evidence as well as critique the methods used to generate knowledge) and if it is a qualitative or quantitative study/peer reviewed and say why it Is good if the articles Is peer reviewed so use another reference… all of this MUST be followed by other references. (for in text reference you need to mention the exact pages where i can find the thing that you are referencing). Structure of the assignment: introduction which explain my choice of area for discussion (CIPN- I chose this topic because in a couple of years most of the population will have cancer so we-future podiatrist- will need to be able to treat chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy and the effects on feet or walking etc… so even for this I need a reference ). Include concluding paragraph which draws together my key findings and makes a conclusion about how the findings could influence decision making in practice. Consider using tables where appropriate to summarise and present more information (tables does not count in the words count). In the main part of the discussion include sufficient information to allow other to reproduce my search e.g search terms, databases, inclusion criteria (so a search strategy). Ensure that you discuss the different types of evidence that you are presenting and critique their strengths and limitations. Extract and synthesis relevant information from my selected evidence to discuss how the findings could inform practice in my chosen area. In addition to my 6 pieces of evidence I am expected to use additional literature to support my critical appraisal (that’s why my reference list has to be 18… so 6 pieces of evidence and 12 other references. I have attached two documents.. in one you can find specific guidelines for my essay and the other document has some interesting articles (some of them you can also use for the 6 pieces of evidence) and tips. To check if an article is peer reviewed use this website:The knowledge network Scotland, nhs

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Title: Understanding and Enacting Cultural Competency and Safety in Professional Environments

This assessment evaluates your knowledge of interacting realities and professional environments which influence how you as a professional will (or can) engage with culturally diverse communities. Completing this assessment will allow you to better understand the hierarchies in health and your individual capacity to enact cultural competency and enable cultural safety.please find attached assignment description and marking criteria and some examples provided. Frame work is also attached with linkEssays are to be presented as a 1500 word paper with references.
Headings are permitted. Be sure to clearly label all diagrams, figures and tables. The use of first person (‘I’) is permitted.
Essays must be in 12-point font, double spaced, and have a title and page numbers (marks will be lost otherwise).

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Evaluation of Reporting Quality of “The Effect of Music on Pain and Anxiety during Dressing Change in Burn Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial” 1. Was the trial design appropriate for the research question? Answer: Yes Justification: The trial

You are asked to evaluate the reporting quality of the supplied article against all 11 questions plus the appraisal summary from the CASP Randomised Controlled Trials Checklist, link on vUWS. For each of the 11 CASP questions represented as numbered sections in the assignment template, select one of the ”Yes” or ”No” or ”Can’t tell” from the drop-down list. Then, for each question add a typed prose justification of your multiple-choice answer, evaluating the reporting quality of the article by clearly answering the CASP question and addressing the CASP points to consider included with the question. After answering all 11 CASP questions, complete the ”Appraisal Summary” section of the assignment template, again taking into account key points for this section in the CASP and additional advice provided in class and on vUWS to assist your appraisal. Avoid expending words on evidence evaluation not raised in the CASP questions. No additional research is needed, and no citations or references beyond the supplied article and the CASP Randomised Controlled Trials Checklist are expected
You must use only the journal article provided during this semester to complete this assessment task.
Written report presented on Word document template supplied on vUWS. Do not complete or submit the original CASP documents for this assessment. Format and presentation are assessable (i.e., worth marks). Assignments are to be typed preferably in Arial 12-point font, as per the template, or an almost identical font such as Calibri, Open Sans or Helvetica. Main text must be doubled-spaced (not 1½ spaced) with wide margins. Spacing of 1½ lines is permitted only for the reference list. Single-line spacing is not permitted anywhere. Assignment text must not consist of embedded graphical objects. No tables or graphs (charts) are needed to complete the assignment properly. The supplied document template for the assignment is formatted correctly for this assignment. Template formatting should not be modified. The original left-justified-only paragraph formatting is recommended so text is not stretched across the page by wide spacing, especially in the reference list. Headers and footers, including page numbers, must be retained and updated with your name and student number in the footer on every page.
Question text next to the question numbers outside of the table cells may be deleted to save words. Question numbers must be retained so markers know what question you’re answering.

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“Improving Ageing Care: Developing a Model of Care Plan for Older Adults in a Major Public Tertiary Hospital”

Ageing: Policy & Practice
Assessment Type: Essay/Critical Analysis/Case Study
Topic: Model of Care Plan
Word Limit: 2500 words”A “Model of Care” broadly defines the way health services are delivered. It outlines best practice care and services for a person, population group or patient cohort as they progress through the stages of a condition, injury or event. It aims to ensure people get the right care, at the right time, by the right team and in the right place.” (New South Wales: Agency for Clinical Innovation, 2013, p. 3).As a *service coordinator, you are being tasked with developing a report which proposes a model of care responsive to an ageing issue in your area.*Case study of myself as a Clinical Services Director – Neurology/Neurosciences/Neurosurgery – Major Public Tertiary HospitalReview the New South Wales: Agency for Clinical Innovation (2013) Understanding the process to develop a Model of Care (attached PDF doc: “HS13-034_Framework-Develop…”), resource and develop a report.Use the following headings (with content in brackets) as a guide:· Issue Overview (identification of problem, with synthesis of literature clarifying prevalence, contributing factors, and potential consequences).· Review of Current Services, Models, Policies and/or Practices (review literature around how this issue has been addressed at the service and policy level)· Propose a Model of Care in response to the issue and in light of best practice (discuss what you will provide, and how it will be implemented).· Propose an Evaluation Plan (what data metrics will you use to evaluate the performance of the model? how will you generate/access this information? etc.)

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Title: Understanding DNA Traces in Forensic Analysis: A Theoretical Research Project Introduction: DNA analysis has become a crucial tool in forensic investigations, providing valuable evidence in identifying suspects and linking them to a crime scene. However, interpreting DNA traces

Design a small theoretical research project to examine and assist the interpretation of traces analyzed in the case like DNA from saliva. Detailed information about the rules/components along with the template to be used will be provided. Also many literatures will be attached for the background section of the project but feel free to research for more.

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Title: The Importance of the “Whole Team Approach” in Resuscitation: Incorporating Human Factors, Crew Resource Management, and Non-Technical Skills

Describe the “Whole Team Approach” to care and discuss its application in the resuscitation setting.Consider the following when researching your answer for this assignment;Human Factors
Crew Resource Management (CRM)
Non-Technical Skills
It would be worthwhile doing a search for failures in healthcare that have caused harm to patients. This provides a starting point for the introduction of this concept in healthcare and specifically resuscitation.

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Title: Case Study Analysis: Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace

-Instructions: Please read and complete the following questions that is uploaded in file as word doc.-NO SOURCES OR REFERENCES, USE ONLY THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN UPLOADED FILE-There are 8 questions that are needed to be answered based on the case study that has been provided before each question.

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“The Need for a Standardized Paediatric Early Warning Score (PEWS) in Identifying Deteriorating Children: A Critical Review of Literature”

Results -1000words
Discussion – 1800 words
Conclusion – 300 wordsThis question was considered because the UK uses a standard National Early Warning Score (NEWS2) to identify deteriorating adults. Using their initial baseline observations and regular reassessment NEWS2 has become the national standard and an effective numerical indicator for deterioration or improvement from baseline, which then informs treatment plans and easily communicates urgency to fellow clinicians – There isn’t a standard Paediatric early warning score (PEWS) – some facilities utilise their own scores – some ambulance trusts don’t use them at all instead rely on the paediatric assessment triangle and paediatric sepsis screening tools alone. Children are known to compensate well for so long but then deteriorate rapidly – could using a standard PEWS better identify these children at risk of rapid deterioration?3 databases were used – MEDLINE, CINAHL and Embase. 4 articles were identified – 3 have been attached but the 4th- Association of out of gospital paediatric early warning score with need for hospital admission in a Scottish emergency ambulance population by Corfield et Al. 2020 won’t upload? Could be emailed?For Paramedic Science BSc – I currently grade at 74% on most of my assignments

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Evaluation of Reporting Quality of “The Effect of Music on Pain and Anxiety during Dressing Change in Burn Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial” 1. Was the trial design appropriate for the research question? Answer: Yes Justification: The trial

You are asked to evaluate the reporting quality of the supplied article against all 11 questions plus the appraisal summary from the CASP Randomised Controlled Trials Checklist, link on vUWS. For each of the 11 CASP questions represented as numbered sections in the assignment template, select one of the ”Yes” or ”No” or ”Can’t tell” from the drop-down list. Then, for each question add a typed prose justification of your multiple-choice answer, evaluating the reporting quality of the article by clearly answering the CASP question and addressing the CASP points to consider included with the question. After answering all 11 CASP questions, complete the ”Appraisal Summary” section of the assignment template, again taking into account key points for this section in the CASP and additional advice provided in class and on vUWS to assist your appraisal. Avoid expending words on evidence evaluation not raised in the CASP questions. No additional research is needed, and no citations or references beyond the supplied article and the CASP Randomised Controlled Trials Checklist are expected
You must use only the journal article provided during this semester to complete this assessment task.
Written report presented on Word document template supplied on vUWS. Do not complete or submit the original CASP documents for this assessment. Format and presentation are assessable (i.e., worth marks). Assignments are to be typed preferably in Arial 12-point font, as per the template, or an almost identical font such as Calibri, Open Sans or Helvetica. Main text must be doubled-spaced (not 1½ spaced) with wide margins. Spacing of 1½ lines is permitted only for the reference list. Single-line spacing is not permitted anywhere. Assignment text must not consist of embedded graphical objects. No tables or graphs (charts) are needed to complete the assignment properly. The supplied document template for the assignment is formatted correctly for this assignment. Template formatting should not be modified. The original left-justified-only paragraph formatting is recommended so text is not stretched across the page by wide spacing, especially in the reference list. Headers and footers, including page numbers, must be retained and updated with your name and student number in the footer on every page.
Question text next to the question numbers outside of the table cells may be deleted to save words. Question numbers must be retained so markers know what question you’re answering.

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