Assessing the Digital Readiness of Graduate Allied Health Staff at the WA Country Health Service: A Multi-Stage Questionnaire Development Study

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Telehealth is a digital health modality that was developed to enable health professionals to deliver clinical and non-clinical services in regional WA. With the rapid pace of global digitization, the emergence of the National E-Health Strategy in 2008, provided a pathway to promote the delivery of e-Health solutions and foster the adoption of digital health by consumers of health care. Research demonstrated the importance of e-health inclusion in university curricula to prepare future allied health graduates to deliver digital health services successfully. This need accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic illustrated the lack of reference to digital health competencies within the competency framework for allied health graduates. The aim of this study is to develop a questionnaire to assess the digital readiness to deliver telehealth services of graduate allied health staff at the WA Country Health Service (WACHS). The first stage will involve assessing digital competencies stipulated in competency frameworks for each discipline. The second stage will involve interviews with coordinators of allied health undergraduate and postgraduate courses to determine the digital readiness competencies included in their respective courses. The third stage will be a scholarly search of the peer-reviewed and grey literature to identify questionnaires that have been used to assess digital health readiness of clinical staff. Finally, a questionnaire will be developed that can be used to survey graduate health staff at WACHS. This questionnaire will be provided to the Senior Policy Officer Clinical Health Development at WACHS to use in a survey of their graduate allied health staff, and provide an evidence base to use in developing training in digital health to upskill staff to successfully practice in this digitized era.

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